Nothing brightens my day more than stumbling across a new blog whose posts I can spend hours perusing. I've recently had the pleasure of interviewing a few fabulous local women who are the creative forces behind some of the best blogs in Tampa. Do yourself a favor by subscribing to their blogs and following them on Instagram, you can thank me later. Let's get on with the interviews shall we?
Crown and Ginger
Instagram: @crownandgingerblog
Healthy mix of: Tampa, Lifestyle, Southern Traditions,
Local insight and an unfiltered/real look at life.
Woman behind the blog
Carlee Cone Bowdoin
Are you a Tampa local?
"3rd Generation South Tampa Native"
When did you start your blog?
"Originally, back in 2013, but it was short lived. It's rivival began May 2015."
What inspired you to start?
"It began as a creative outlet, focusing on themes within my life, including corporate themes, Tampa
Traditions and Southern ways of living. Over the years it has been evolving
and will become a business platform soon."
What is the meaning behind the name of your blog?
"Most Southern women have a trademark drink and Crown & Ginger is my mother's."
What has been your favorite piece of content you've posted in 2017?
"My Favorite post was an inside look and ranking of the Top Krewes in Gasparilla."
Educate yourself on the best Krewes in Gasparilla Here.
Lovely Little Things
instagram: @jessmmassey
Healthy mix of: Yoga, Hand lettering, fitness, travel/adventures and education.
Jess' instagram is one of my favorites to follow because ALL of her posts are gorgeous.
Seriously how does someone make coffee, granola and leaves look so perfect?
Woman behind the blog:
Jessica Massey
Are you a Tampa local?
"My husband and I live in a small town right outside of Tampa but we will be moving to
Tampa in January…we can’t wait! We love the Tampa scene.
All of the cute restaurants, coffee shops, and parks are the best!"
When did you start your blog?
"Oh gosh…I started in when I was in college (the first time) back in 2011 and I blogged until 2013.
Then I started it back up late 2015!"
What inspired you to start?
"I had no choice - I was in a class called 'Intro to Blogging' and we had to start a blog.
Turns out I fell in love with it and stuck it out post college. I love being able to share my thoughts in one
place and genuinely connecting with people all over the place. The connections are definitely the best part .
I met one of my bridesmaids through blogging!"
What is the meaning behind the name of your blog?
"I wish I had a clever answer for this. I was honestly lying in bed the night before my blog
name assignment was due for my Intro to Blogging class and 'Lovely Little Things' just came to me.
I liked it because it didn’t tie me down to one niche.
It’s a broad name that gives me freedom to blog about whatever I want."
What has been your favorite piece of content you've posted in 2017?
"My personal favorite is a post titled, 'Creating Your Own Mission Statement.'
My most viewed post from 2017 is a tutorial on hand lettering.
My most interactive posts are always my 'current faves/life updates' posts."
Give hand-lettering a go & follow Jess' tutorial Here.
Stop & Smell the Rosé
instagram: @jennapullara
Healthy mix of: wine, sass, Tampa and all the hair flips.
Woman behind the blog
Jenna Pullara
Are you a Tampa local?
"I am a third generation Tampanian so I was born and raised in Tampa
until I went to Tallahassee for my undergraduate degree. I didn’t stay away long,
and immediately after graduation I moved back home."
When did you start your blog?
January 2015
What inspired you to start?
"When I first started blogging, I was employed with a company that had me traveling all over the country
and I was starting to feel a little burnt out from the gypsy life. I knew that I was not the only one of my
friends feeling this way despite the fact that we were fresh out of college, and all working in various fields, so I
decided to bring my rants to a medium where A) they could reach a variety of people, B) hopefully
resonate with someone and let them know “this is a normal feeling!”, and C) allow my friends and family to
get a kick out of my animated storytelling and dramatic musings "
What is the meaning behind the name of your blog?
Stop and Smell the Rosé is a nod to my love of wine, as well as my belief in the value of
stopping, and smelling the roses sometimes. Life moves so quickly, and when I was traveling for work,
I felt as though I blinked, and all this life had happened around me while I was on one plane or another.
Originally the blog was titled Work Trips and Hair Flips, and when I was no longer “work tripping” or
“hair flipping” (who am I kidding, I definitely still hair flip) I decided to re-brand, have a glass of wine, and
enjoy being in my moment for just a bit.
What has been your favorite piece of content you've posted in 2016/2017?
"This is a tough one to answer! I think there is a tie for first place, but I love them
both for two very different reasons! I am very proud of my blog post
serious and informative piece I have ever written, while still remaining true to my personality, voice, and
values of authenticity. I researched my butt off for that piece as to make sure that I was writing a
legitimate, and informative break-down on where each candidate stood on certain political issues in
July of 2016. My other favorite piece was “FINDING THE GOOD IN GOODBYE” which I refer to fondly as
my F**kboy Post. I had recently ended a truly horrific relationship and it was about finding that inner
worth that a lot of women deal with when the dating scene seems like a hopeless string of shady losers
and Bumble Bobs. This was my most liberating piece because I don’t know if I had ever been so publicly
vulnerable before! I still send a link to that blog post to my friends whenever I get the feeling they are
in a similar situation to the one I was in when I wrote that one. "
Check out Jenna's liberating F**kboy post Here.
Sara Magnolia
Instagram: @thesaramagnolia
Healthy mix of: Tampa, Fashion, Travel, Home and Health
Woman behind the blog
Sara McPherson
Are you a Tampa local?
"I grew up in the suburbs of Boston and came down to Florida to attend college.
I my fiancé and I moved to Tampa after graduation for jobs, mine was with the Tampa Bay Lightning."
When did you start your blog?
"I started my blog in October 2014"
What inspired you to start?
"I started blogging for a college course requirement, but then it started gaining momentum
so I kept up with it. I absolutely love the community I've found in blogging!"
What is the meaning behind the name of your blog?
"Sara is obviously for my first name and then "magnolia" is because of the flowering tree that blossoms
here in the south and also in my hometown. To me it was symbolic of me living
my life split between two places I call home."
What has been your favorite piece of content you've posted in 2017?
"Probably this video where we announced that we bought our first house!"
See Sara's super pinterest-worthy house Here.
Coffee with Kylie
Instagram: @coffeewithkylie
Healthy mix of: Tampa, Fashion, Travel, Beauty, Faith, Home and Health.
Woman behind the blog
Kylie Gravlee
Are you a Tampa local?
"I grew up an Army brat...moving every two years (on average) my entire life.
While in college, my dad got stationed at MacDill Air Force Base. So when my
parents moved here, with plans to retire, they asked (more like begged) me to follow post-grad.
They must have some tug on my heart because here I am, and over three years later I couldn't be happier!"
When did you start your blog?
"July 2016"
What inspired you to start?
"I am a super creative soul and I love to write. I was looking for a creative outlet, and also a place to encourage women to love their unique journey...and to find beauty in an imperfect life."
What is the meaning behind the name of your blog?
"My blog is called "Coffee With Kylie" because I don't want it to be something you
spend all day on. I want it to be encouragement to go out and live your own life.
And to love every bit of it, no matter the circumstances. AKA your time with me should be
like a quick cup of coffee with a friend. Just to put a smile on your face and provide you some inspiration."
What has been your favorite piece of content you've posted in 2017?
"My favorite piece of content this year is probably my Aerie collab. Not only was it my first major brand
collaboration, but it was also an excuse to explore Tampa with my photographer
(who's also one of my best friends) and capture each piece of the collection in my style."
See Kylie's fab spring look book Here.
The Champagne Supernova
Instagram: @champagnesupernovablog
Healthy mix of: Family, Travel, Beauty, Home and Health.
Woman behind the blog
Jennifer Burby
Are you a Tampa local?
"I live in South Tampa but grew up in DeLand, on Florida's east coast. I attended undergrad
and law school at the University of Florida in Gainesville and relocated to
Tampa for my boyfriend (now husband's) job. "
When did you start your blog?
"December of 2014"
What inspired you to start?
"The rude awakening that I had no hobbies other than drinking wine and avoiding the gym."
What is the meaning behind the name of your blog?
"My blog was inspired by the popular song by the British band, Oasis, but is a metaphor for fabulous
women who are educated, funny, and love life. "
What has been your favorite piece of content you've posted in 2017?
"The piece about my amazing Aunt Mary, which took nearly a year to research and write"
Read about the extraordinary Aunt Mary Here. Beware, you will feel all of the feelings.
Life's Candy Jar
Instagram: @rachelbarkules
Healthy mix of: Fashion, Beauty, and Health.
*I did not have the chance to interview Rachel BUT I wanted to include her blog anyways since it is one that I've been reading every week!*
What we know about the woman behind the blog:
Rachel Barkules is the creative fashionista bosslady of Life's Candy Jar which looks like it was started in 2013.
Rachel, along with her hottie hubs and two precious children, moved back to Tampa in 2016.
She was raised in Tampa but moved to Chicago about 11 years ago, and is super happy to be back!
By following her Instagram you can stay on top of all trends and deals.